Herdon Miklós egyetemi tanár

Department DE GTK, Alkalmazott Informatika és Logisztika intézet, Üzleti Informatika nem önálló Tanszék
Phone number/extension +36 52 508 444 / 88360
E-mail herdon.miklos@econ.unideb.hu
Address 4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138.
Building, floor, room number "D" épület GTK , földszint, A.7

Dear User!


The University of Debrecen considers the protection of personal data and the information provided to be of paramount importance. We hereby inform you that the University of Debrecen has reviewed its processes and incorporated the requirements of GDPR into his own data management and data protection activities, which entered mandatory on may 25,2018. The personal data of the users has been carefully handled by the University of Debrecen, it complies with the applicable data management regulations.Following the requirements of GDPR, we updated our Privacy Statement, which you can access by clicking on the link below: Privacy Policy.

I have read, understand and agree to terms.